Ever since the children were very young, we would dress them in their Christmas best and head to town for this service. Upon entering the church you can hear the sound of Christmas carols coming from the pipes of the organ. You see people who live far away, visiting their families, and there is much hand shaking and hugging going around. And then as the service begins, a much more thoughtful mood begins to descend upon my soul, as everyone stands to sing Christmas carols of old and then responsively read about the birth of the Christ Child from the Bible. Each year that I attend this service, it becomes more meaningful to me. I look around at my family and think how much God has blessed us over not only the past year but our lives. And I am thankful; very thankful because it is only by the grace of God that we are all in attendance, in possession of our health, have roofs over our heads and food in our stomachs. Yes, we are blessed, indeed.
After the entire congregation has lit candles, we all sing another Christmas carol before filing out. More hugging and Merry Christmases go around and then it's back home with the family. This annual Christmas tradition is the most meaningful one to me. After all, Christ really is "The Reason for the Season".
The Rogenmoser Crew (Minus Ryan and Allison who were on their way in late from New Orleans)
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