It's Winter, It's Summer...No, WAIT! It's Winter Again

There's an old saying here in Louisiana, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a couple of's sure to change!"  This saying could not be more true and these past couple of week have been a testament to that.  Last week it rained...and rained...and rained some more...HEY!  Even the doxies were miserable and crossing their short legs, not wanting to go outside to potty.

                  This is the bridge on the road where I live.  The water is just at the top of it.

            The overflow went over the road and this is what I had to drive through to get out.

                No, this is not a lake or pond; it is some poor farmer's field that flooded.

Friday, the sun finally poked its head out as Robby and I headed down to New Orleans to visit with David and Ryan and see the Broadway production of "Jersey Boys".  As I said, the sun was shining when we left, but we drove right back into the rain only about an hour down the road (sigh...).  By the time we arrived in New Orleans, the rain had stopped but WOW!...the heat and humidity was overwhelming down there.  Saturday found the sun out and the temperatures HOT!  After lunch at a Po-Boy place down on Magazine Street, Robby and I headed over to The Mahalia Jackson Performing Arts Center to see "Jersey Boys"...

I sure do miss the Saenger Theatre that was damaged by Katrina, but the grounds surrounding The Mahalia Jackson Performing Arts Center are beautiful.

                                           Cute hubby waiting for the show to start with me!

OK...before I go any further, let me tell you how WONDERFUL "Jersey Boys" was!  If you ever get the chance to see it, DO SO!  It is a show about Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons; how they came to be and the music was absolutely FANTASTIC!  It was such a fun show, with the audience at times clapping along to the songs, tapping their feet and dancing in their seats.

After the show, Robby and I went out to eat and retired for the evening.  Before we headed back Sunday, David met us for breakfast at our new favorite breakfast place in New Orleans, "The Canal Street Bistro".  On our way home, we decided to stop in Baton Rouge to look for me a dress for Ryan and Allison's wedding.  When we went into the Mall it was hot.  About an hour later, as we left, it was pouring rain (again...) and FREEZING COLD! (ugh...)

When Robby and I to home, we walked in and flipped the air conditioning back to heat once again and started the fireplace.  Today it is raining and the high here is 37 degrees.  That is cold by anyone's standards but especially by ours here in Louisiana.  I am so thankful that our winter only lasts a couple of months because this weather stinks!  Oh well...I guess for now the doxies and I will just stay inside snuggled by a warm fire (at least for today!)

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