A Christmas Gift To Myself...

Everyone who knows me, knows that the holiday season is my absolute favorite time of year.  The weather finally cools off a bit here in the south, the leaves begin to fall by Thanksgiving, decorations start to go up and the air smells of all good things.  This season, even with all of its busyness, brings joy and happiness out in people like no other time of year.  And I am one of those people who attempts to savor each and every moment.  That is why I like to give myself a Christmas gift each year at this time.

Now, don't think I'm actually buying myself something, wrapping it and placing it beneath the tree.  I give myself the gift of a few things that bring peace to my days and put a smile on my face during the holiday season.  One thing I started doing a year ago was to unplug from the news channels during this time of year.  I just  don't want to fill my mind with the worries of the world during this month.  Call me silly or ridiculous but I just don't want negativity invading my holiday spirit and could truly care less if the world crumbles beneath me during this time; it is my time, a gift to myself.  The other gifts I like to shower myself with are mushy, sappy, always happy ending Christmas movies.  And thankfully, the Hallmark Channel has been very obliging by providing me with a HUGE daily dose of those.  The other, is Christmas novels that make me think about the Christmas spirit and true meaning of this holiday.  I have a collection that I have read and enjoyed throughout the years that I like to display and thumb through each year.

To wake up in the morning and turn on a Christmas movie while sipping my coffee in front of a blazing fire just sets my mood for the day.  And if I have to leave the house, I make sure I have all of my Christmas CD's in my vehicle so I can continue to soak up all of the Christmas season there is to have out there.  The REALLY good things in life cannot be purchased with money.   
        Slow down and take a minute (or two or three..) to soak up and enjoy this blessed season.
                                                           MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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