Cooling Off in Colorado

Earlier this summer our friends who have a home in Colorado asked us to visit.  They asked when we would like to come and I said, "Whenever it is so hot I don't think I will make it."  And that is now.  Louisiana is so very hot at the end of August that it is difficult to breathe outside.  Of course, we have been having lots of rain and in most places rain means cooling off.  Not so in Louisiana.  As a matter of fact it was 79 degrees just the other day and that sounds really nice, right?  So Hubby decided he would go out and work in his shop.  I told him I thought it was still pretty hot out there but he went anyway.  For about 15 minutes.  Then saying that he could hardly believe it was 79 degrees, looked up the temperature on the Internet.  It was indeed 79.  With the humidity at 93%.  With a "feels like" of 102 degrees.  Yep...that's Louisiana in August.  And so, as I was saying...We decided to head to Colorado for a glorious week of much cooler weather.

Our travel day was pretty much a wash (as most are).  Our flights were delayed from the very beginning but we eventually made it to Denver where our friend picked us up from the airport and we headed to their home in Breckenridge. 

I'm not going to lie, the temperatures were wonderful with it dropping to 49 degrees by the time we ate dinner. But the altitude. Oh my goodness. You see, I have asthma and being at just below 10,000 feet, I started having problems breathing almost immediately. Fortunately for me, our friends have oxygen and after I used a bit of that I felt much better. 

This morning I awoke to this view from my window...
                                  Oh, what a glorious week it was going to be.

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