My mother is 83 years old and does not drive any more. Her mind is still as "sharp as a tack" and she loves socializing. I asked her if she would like to make plans to go to the pumpkin patch with Parker Ann and me on Friday; "Absolutely!", she said. As I was making plans for the day, which would also include lunch out in town, I got another totally unexpected surprise. Caitlin called to say that a couple of her classes had been cancelled on Friday and she was on her way home a day early! This would be FUN...we would have a "Girls Day Out".
Robby offered to drive and pick Parker up that morning and when he arrived, I discovered that...OH NO! They had forgotten her cute little Halloween outfit that I had bought to take her picture in (ugh...). Well, I had one "partial outfit" she could wear; I would have to make a stop at Target to grab a shirt, leggings and hopefully a cute pair of shoes (the cute shoes were a "must"...) to finish it off. Caitlin, Parker and I picked up Mam-Maw and then we were off for the day...
We have all learned that when Parker is hungry, it is best to find food asap. That is exactly what we did first. After lunch, we drove around to Target and grabbed the additional pieces for her wardrobe so I could capture a few pictures to frame from our trip to the pumpkin patch.
When we arrived, we took Parker out of her car seat, set her feet on the ground and ZOOM!...She was off! She ran all over the place, rubbing the larger pumpkins and picking up the smaller ones. Actually, I have to admit that it took 3 of us to even keep up with her! We all did have a GREAT time there, though. Here are a few of the pictures that I snapped while there...
Parker Ann and Aunt Ca Ca
Paker Ann and Me
Parker Ann and Mam-Maw
Parker LOVED her trip to the Pumpkin Patch!
I think everyone loved their trip to the pumpkin patch. I love the little one she is holding on to! So fun. Cute put together outfit. Yay Fall Y'all!