A Cold In The Cold...Not Cool!

Well, I made it to Cleveland and back but could not find the energy to blog at all while I was there.  It wasn't just the cold that got me, it was the fact that by the time I arrived in that Arctic weather, my "sniffle, sniffle, cough, cough" had turned into a full blown cold that has still not gone away.  Yea...having a cold in the Arctic cold was really NOT cool!

 This is what Caitlin's front yard looked like the day I arrived  See...I told you I needed some boots that came up to my knees!
And this is the view from my room.  I opened the blinds each day to see if it was snowing or perhaps even if the sun was out (By the way I don't think I saw it the whole time I was there...).  However, notice that the street can actually be seen in this photo; I'm told that's a good thing.

Anyway, I went to Cleveland to keep Caitlin and Holli company while Kevin worked a week of nights shifts.  When I visit, I usually help her cook and clean, along with getting her out of the house to shop and dine out some.  Well, the day I got there, we did get out to go to the yarn shop and out to eat that evening.  However, when I awoke the next day, I knew that I was getting pretty sick and needed to get even more medicine in my body before things got out of hand.  I ended up getting an antibiotic called in and also picked up some Tylenol, cough syrup and cough drops while I was there.  Unfortunately, Caitlin ended up cooking breakfast for me the first few days I was there and one day I didn't even get out of my pajamas until 5 that evening when I ventured out to grocery shop with her.
This is the day we drove to Sam's to get more medicine at the pharmacy.  When we got out to go in, the snow had just begun to fall again (sigh...).

I was determined to keep going no matter how I felt because I don't get to spend much time with my girls and I wanted to make the best of things no matter what. 
  We just bundled up with warm clothes every day (Yes...those are my ski pants I'm wearing there!),
                                    And ate out every day instead of cooking this time around.
We even got a pedicure one day.  And Holli took a little nap while we did so (Just call me the Baby Whisperer...He-He!).
                   And, of course, Holli and I did a good bit of snuggling every day too.

As it grew closer to the day when I would be leaving, the news began talking about another winter storm that would be heading our way...the night before I was to fly home (ugh...).  I called Robby and got him to check that report out and he said he thought I would be OK.  I wasn't so sure about that.
When I opened my blinds the next morning, this is what I found!  (Notice you can't see the street any more...).  Not only had it snowed all night, it was STILL snowing.  I was getting pretty worried for sure now and immediately turned on the news to see what they were saying.  I also called Robby again to get him to check things out.  The news said that there had been about 2,000 flights cancelled due to this storm; I just hoped that mine wasn't one of them. 
When I saw planes flying over Caitlin's neighborhood, I guessed that my flight would be OK.  But once we got on the road to head to the airport, I was a little scared about that.  This is one of the roads that we had to drive on to get to the highway.
                                             This was the highway that led us to the airport.
                                                      And this was the airport runway!

I couldn't believe that we were going to actually take off in that weather.  All I could see in the distance was snow plows continually running back and forth.  But board that plane,  we did.  We then taxied out and sat there for about an additional  15-20 minutes while they de-iced the plane.  At that point I was just praying that we got out of there safely and I got back to the south.  I needed to be back in the south.  I needed to see the sun again. 

Well, I made it hope with no problems at all this time and was so happy to see not only my hubby but grass and roads without ice and snow on them.  But I was sad that Caitlin and Holli had to stay there in that Arctic Tundra.  No problem...we just scheduled them a flight to come south themselves in about a week and a half so they can hopefully enjoy some warmer weather, the sun...AND some crawfish and king cake!  HEY...I've said it many times before..."There's no place like HOME...And the south!"

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