Sunday Dessert: Butterfingers Cake

This past Sunday I brought back an oldie but goodie with my Butterfingers Cake for Sunday Dessert.  I know what you're most likely thinking too:  "Isn't this girl a gluten-free/paleo girl?"  The answer is YES!  However, no one else in my family is SO...I make them all happy by baking those yummy full on normal desserts (sorry, Paleo Pals...).

You are going to LOVE the Butterfingers Cake not only because it is delicious but also because of the simplicity of the recipe.  Here goes...
  It all starts with a store bought Super Moist cake mix.  Make the cake exactly as the package says.

I made 2 of these cakes for my BIG, FAT SOUTHERN FAMILY this week so I just doubled the recipe.

Once you take the cake out of the oven and while it is still warm poke holes in it with the end of a wooden spoon.

                   Next comes the part that will make this cake SO MOIST and GOOEY!
                               You will first pour a whole can of Eagle Brand into the holes.
                        Followed by a can of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup; also poured into the holes.
  Let the cake sit and cool while you go on to the next step.  YES...there's MORE yumminess to add!
You are going to make some whipped cream now.  Pour 1 pint of heavy whipping cream into your mixer.
                                                           Add 1 cup of sugar to that.
Start beating it until it becomes light and fluffy.  OH...and be sure to run your finger across the paddle to taste it...just to make sure it tastes good ya know (wink, wink).
            The cake should be cool by now so go ahead and spread that whipped cream on top.
And now for the Butterfingers.  I bought 2 bags of the minis for 2 cakes.  OK, actually I bought 3 bags; 1 for snacking on during the week.  And don't be intimidated by that little notice on the bag that tells you how many calories are in each bar.  Just ignore it because there's no such thing as "calories" in "Sunday Dessert", is there?!
                                                                Chop those babies up...
  And then sprinkle them on top of the cake.  Cover the cake with foil and keep in the refrigerator.

OK, so what do you think?  Pretty easy to make AND delicious!  You definitely MUST try this dessert out on your own family.  I guarantee it will put a smile on their faces!

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