Judy Blume and Freckle Juice

Thursday I told Hubby I wanted to make a trip into Key West to visit a couple of place on my "list".  Yes, although I'm not very organized, I have an ongoing list of things I want to do while in the Florida Keys this year.  I've actually explored a bit and grabbed some brochures and one of the places I wanted to visit was a little book store, Books & Books at The Studios of Key West.  This adorable little shop is not only a book store but also carries art supplies and I spent an hour in there before I knew it!

The night before we went to the book store, we ate dinner with a friend and she mentioned off hand that 
Judy Blume had a home in Key West and was often seen out and about in town and doing signings at the book store.  I commented on how cool that was and really didn't think much about it again.  Until I lifted my head after perusing books for an hour and made my way to the cash register to check out.  As I glanced up I had to take a double take; it was Judy Blume talking to someone and signing a book for them!  Well, I told the lady to go ahead and ring my items up but I would be back.  I ran to the bookshelves to grab one of her books to have her sign and suddenly a book jumped out at me, Freckle Juice!  I pulled it off the shelf and ran over to get in line behind the people she was already signing for. You see, Parker Ann is my cute little freckle-faced granddaughter and I always comment on that because she's the cutest thing with her big blue eyes, freckles sprinkled across her face and missing front teeth.  I told Judy about her and she signed this book for her...
               My day was absolutely made and I cannot wait to give Parker Ann this treasure!

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