Building Castles in the Sand...

One of the things I love about laying around on the beach is watching children play.  And by play I mean really "play".  Without the use of a television or other electronic devices;  only simple toys that allow one's imagination to run as wild as the wind and the waves that splash across the shore.  The beach is filled with wonders for children to explore and pretend.  Why,  with just a pail and shovel,  a castle can be created, adorned with shells and twigs.  All that's left is the imagination to create one's own story...
 Come along with us and escape to our kingdom in the sand, where the waves will sweep you away to magical worlds unknown...


  1. Dads are great on the beach. Thanks for sharing the sweet times in your magical kingdom. Visiting from Katherine's Corner. Linda

  2. So much fun! Wish we could be there too!

    1. Oh what fun a Rogenmoser/Kees Beach Vaca would be!!
