Whenever Robby and I began thinking of schools for our children to attend, I was very decisive regarding which one would be my first choice. At the time, it was a new, much smaller Christian school, sponsored by a Presbyterian church in town. I placed Justin on the waiting list long before he would begin first grade. I didn't think I had much hope of getting to the top of that list, however, when I did receive the call telling me that he had been accepted, I immediately jumped for joy, said to include us on the roster and it was only AFTER I had hung up the phone that I began to worry about HOW I planned on paying for the monthly tuition. Well, I took on quite a few more piano students and thankfully everything worked out over the years so that all four of our children were able to attend this school. I believe that, for us, this was the "perfect" school. It daily reinforced the core values of our family, therefore, all of the sacrifices that were made to educate our children there were well worth it.
When I entered the sanctuary, where the play was to be presented, many fond memories came flooding back. As the children began to file in, I even noticed quite a few familiar faces. But when the play actually began, my heart was filled with the true spirit of Christmas and I was so glad that I had come!
The story began with Brittney, "Jane Blonde" as an investigative reporter, attempting to find out about the "Mystery of Christmas". She was very doubtful about the whole Christmas story; a star, a manger and the Christ child. The rest of the children answered her doubts in uplifting song. I believe that EVERYONE should attend a children's Christmas play. The innocence of the Christmas story being presented by children reminded me of WHY I will always say, "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and NOT "Happy Holidays". The TRUE meaning of Christmas IS the birth of the Christ child. Put aside all of the running around and shopping and Santa and parties and just remember the simplicity of a child...in a manger...sent to save the world. I will ALWAYS say "MERRY CHRISTMAS", because indeed it IS "Merry" to think that "God so loved us..."
"And a little child shall lead them..."
Celebrate the JOY of the "Baby" who was sent to SAVE THE WORLD
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